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TERMESOS Zbudowane w misce 1000 metrów nad poziomem morza, wysoko w górach Taurus, starożytne miasto Termessos jest jedną z najwspanialszych starożytnych ruin w Turcji. Piękne budynki i niezliczone grobowce ukryte są w lesie sosnowym i jałowcowym, który odzyskał to niegdyś dumne miasto. Ze zrujnowanych teatrów i ulic można podziwiać wspaniałe widoki na zalesione ... Read More

59.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • Centrum
  • Entrance Fee
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Polski przewodnik
  • Safe Driving

PAMUKKALE ONE DAY FROM ALANYA We pick up clients from their hotel very early in the morning (the pickup time will be sent as an SMS/WhatsApp to the client’s phone a day before departure). Our first stop is about 1,5 hours later for breakfast. We have a 30-45 min break for breakfast. Then we depart for Pamukkale. We have lunch first and then go to Pamukkale terraces. We stay about 3 hou ... Read More

100.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • English Guiding
  • Entrance Fee
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance
  • Safe Driving

ALANYA BOAT TOUR We pick up our guests from their Hotel with our busses to Alanya harbor where our daily program starts. Swimming and photo stop by shipyard. Sailing around Alanya castle with seeing possibility of three caves pirates cave, lovers cave and phosphoric caves. A break by Cleopatra beach with 30-45 min for swimming. Departure from Cleopatra swimming point to Alanya marina ... Read More

60.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • English Guiding
  • Entrance Fee
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance
  • Lunch on Board
  • Swimming Break

Want to add a touch of extreme adventure to your trip? Go for rafting during your vacation to Turkey. You will be taken from Belek to the Koprulu Canyon by road. After reaching the Koprulu Canyon National Park, you need to get your rafting gear all set for an adventurous experience. It’s a scenic journey during which, you pass through the breathtaking Taurus Mountains of the Antalya region. ... Read More

90.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • English Guiding
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance
  • Russian Guiding
  • Shuttle Service
  • Swimming Break

PAMUKKALE TOUR We travel early in the morning. We have some breaks on the way for toilet, breakfast, etc. and we arrive to Pamukkale at about 06.30-07.30. We visit HIERAPOLIS ancient city and it Roman ruins including Amphitheatre, Apollon temple, necropolis, etc. Our guests have free time to explore Pamukkale terraces, swim in in the Cleopatra pool and other interested places such as St Ph ... Read More

99.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • English Guiding
  • Entrance Fee
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance
  • Safe Driving
  • Swimming Break

PAMUKKALE - TOUR TO WHITE BEAUTY We pick up clients from their Hotel very early in the morning (the pickup time will be sent as SMS to client’s phone a day before departure). Our first stop is about 1,5 hours later for breakfast. We have 30-45 min break for breakfast. Then we depart for Pamukkale. We have Lunch first and then go to Pamukkale terraces. We stay for about 3 hours in total t ... Read More

100.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • Centrum
  • English Guiding
  • Entrance Fee
  • Experienced Guiding
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance

ROGRAM: Podróżujemy nocą z Alanyi, Side i Belek i przybywamy do Kapadocji wcześnie rano (05:00-06:00) na lot balonem i safari jeepem. Nasi goście, którzy wykupili lot balonem i Jeep Safari startują, a wraz z resztą idziemy do restauracji, gdzie zjemy śniadanie. Po przybyciu gości z lotu balonem i safari jeepem cała grupa jemy kapadockie śniadanie. Następnie rozpoczynamy nasz ... Read More

120.00 $ / PP
Bookable Online
  • Entrance Fee
  • Experienced Guiding
  • Hotel Transfer (from/to)
  • Insurance
  • Safe Driving
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Property type
  • Business
  • Ironing Board
  • Cable/Satellite TV
  • Safe Box
  • Hair Dryer
  • Room Service
Shuttle Service
  • Shuttle to Bazaar
  • Shuttle to beach
  • to City center
  • to Airport
  • Sauna
  • Shuttle Service
  • Internet
  • Lift
  • Private Garden
  • Games room
  • Disco
  • Rent a Car
  • Nightlife
  • SPA
Views Available
  • Sea view
  • River View
  • Harbour View
  • Golf Course view
  • Pool View
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